Physical Therapy (PT) is treatment provided by licensed therapists to increase mobility, strengthen affected musculature, improve gait, as well as recover from surgical intervention. PT is not just for adults, but for children as well treating a number of issues. Physical therapy for kids is most often used to improve gait dysfunctions, increase muscle tone, integrate pediatric reflexes, and improve body mechanics for increased participation at home and in sporting activities. PT for kids is often recommended when the child has indications of low muscle tone, poor balance, the presence of pediatric reflexes, and affected coordination. These issues may affect the child’s ability with tasks that may not otherwise be difficult. The goal of pediatric PT is to have the child participate as fully as he/she can with activities in school and at home with minimal difficulty.

Some children demonstrate significant difficulty with basic gross motor skills affecting their ability to participate. They may require more time to develop skills or lack the tone or understanding of body mechanics to complete these tasks successfully. These skills may include, but are not limited to; running, hopping, sports participation, coordination, and balance. Due to underlying irregularities or delayed development, these qualities may be affected. Physical therapy for kids addresses issues such as weakness, balance deficits, uncoordinated movements, muscle spasms, spasticity, and the reliance on adaptive equipment such as wheelchairs or standers. All of these issues listed potentially can cause complications when they are introduced to activities at school and affect independence with self-care. Your child may be limited by these issues with decreased independence and ability to fully participate with his/her friends in school and the community. If your child matches any or multiple of the descriptors he/she may be in need of pediatric physical therapy to improve their functional mobility and independence. Pediatric physical therapy can give your child the tools he/she needs to take control of their life and perform to their full potential.

So why should you take your child to Niagara Therapy? Niagara Therapy is located in Erie, PA.  Physical Therapy for children boasts a strong pediatric population with strong expertise in neurological conditions. They also offer Occupational and Speech Therapy if your child is in need of multiple disciplinary treatments. The syndromes and deficits Niagara Therapy treats include, but are not limited to; cerebral palsy, autism-related mobility deficits, decreased sensory integration, and gait dysfunction for greater participation in sports and running activities. Niagara Therapy offers advanced tools and techniques that are not otherwise seen regionally including Biodex Balance Systems, Neurosensory Integrator (NSI), Interactive Metronome, and Brain Beat. These tools address many common issues seen with children such as balance and decreased sensory integration. Children with poor balance and coordination often have difficulty with dressing and participating in sporting activities which in turn may affect their independence. Those with affected sensory integration may react inappropriately to certain stimuli which may impact their social experience. Tools such as the Biodex and NSI are used to help your child address these difficulties head-on and participate to their full extent. Niagara Therapy offers one on one sessions for up to 1 hour per discipline with impeccable and well-trained staff. The staff boasts a number of different backgrounds from multiple areas of expertise. Niagara Therapy is made up of driven individuals and will help your child achieve the goals you set together with a full therapy team approach. 

Niagara Therapy offers Physical Therapy for kids to address ambulatory deficits, low tone, affected ability to participate in sports, limited independence, etc. If your child demonstrates or has any of the above issues discussed, don’t hesitate to call Niagara Therapy and set up an appointment today for Physical, Occupational, and/or Speech Therapy by calling us at 814-464-0627. Meet your and your child’s goals today. 


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