Pediatric Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy in Erie, PA
Pediatric Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is a movement based therapy that improves coordination, balance and strength. This includes interventions for sensory integration and tone management. PT’s focus is to create and maximize mobility. For kids, this can include crawling, standing, walking, jumping, running, and riding a bike. Why would you choose a Niagara Therapy Physical Therapist?
- Sensory Integration
- Advanced tools and techniques not available anywhere regionally including: Biodex Balance System, Neurosensory Integrator, Interactive Metronome, and Brain Beat
- One on One sessions for One Hour driven by Your Goals with appointments from 7am to 7pm
- Sports and Running Therapy
- Impeccable Staff and effective results to achieve personal goals and objectives and provided with a full therapy team approach

Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy is the therapy to help kids engage in play, school and peer interactions. This can include a vast number of skills including vision, perception, coordination, strength, sensory processing, writing, emotional management, and social interaction. Ultimately, the goal of OT is to perform at your maximum potential! Why would you choose a Niagara Therapy Occupational Therapist?
- Sensory Integration and Emotional Regulation Training
- Advanced tools and techniques not available anywhere regionally including: Neurosensory Integrator, Interactive Metronome, and Brain Beat, Handwriting Without Tears, Food Explorer
- One on One sessions for One Hour driven by Your Goals with appointments from 7am to 7pm
- Impeccable Staff and effective results to achieve personal goals and objectives and provided with a full therapy team approach.

Pediatric Speech Language Pathology
Speech Therapy focuses on communication that is critical for day to day life as a kid to communicate thoughts and needs. This can also include hearing, understanding what is being said, speech production, how you use speech, and interacting with others. A speech therapist offers advanced interventions for assembling thoughts and organizing speech. Why would you choose a Niagara Therapy Speech Language Pathologist?
- Advanced Technology and Protocols including Augmentative Device Training, Volume Training, Social Pragmatics, and Selective Mutism
- One on One appointments from 7am to 7pm driven on YOUR GOALS
- Impeccable Staff and effective results to achieve personal goals and objectives and provided with a full therapy team approach