Advanced Therapies in Erie, PA
Sanet NeuroSensory Vision Integrator
Using a 50” touch screen monitor, the Sanet NeuroSensory Vision Integrator is improves visual abilities for children and adults including visually-related learning problems, vestibular impairments, motion sickness, amblyopia, and concussion/traumatic brain injury. The unit is programed for each person’s individual needs and incorporates a saccadic trainer, virtual rotator, tachistoscope and programmable metronome. Users often experience improvements in eye-hand coordination, visual reaction time, speed and span of recognition, automaticity, visual and auditory sequencing and memory. Children with challenges in reading and math often gain accuracy and improve school scores. It is also very effective for sports vision enhancement work with athletes. Call today to find out more!

Interactive Metronome
Interactive Metronome is used as an assessment and treatment tool that has been clinically proven to help neurological functions in children and adults. This includes attention, focus, motor planning, auditory processing and sequencing. The IM measures and improves a person’s skill by measuring to the millisecond and adding challenge. The program uses feedback to train the user and builds timing and focus through self correction. It is an effective and efficient way to improve core functions of the brain through the use of rhythm and timing.

BioDex Balance System
The Biodex Balance System has been designed to meet the needs of everyone looking to improve balance, increase agility, develop muscle tone and treat a wide variety of challenges. Extremely versatile, it is the only system that provides a fast, accurate Fall Risk Screening and Conditioning Program, closed-chain, weight-bearing assessment and training for lower extremity patients, and adds the objective balance assessment component to a concussion management program. The Balance System also serves as a valuable training device to enhance kinesthetic abilities that may provide compensation for impaired proprioceptive reflex mechanisms following injury. Using this unique device, Niagara Therapy, LLC therapists can assess neuromuscular control by quantifying the ability to maintain dynamic bilateral and unilateral postural stability on a static or unstable surface.

This customized and programmable training device individualizes therapy programs for kids and adult with vision related, coordination, timing and focus difficulties. Performance data is quantitative and objective ensuring accuracy and improvement in functional results. The lights are programmed to improve peripheral awareness and attention in visual deficits that are common after a stroke or brain injury. Eye movement training is reinforced with randomized visual targets. Clients that have benefited from training on the Dynavision have included concussion, brain injury, stroke, vision related learning challenges, and reaction time challenges.

Wheelchair Evaluations
Requiring a wheelchair means that each part of the chair must be individually selected for the user. Having a skilled therapist and well educated vendor are the key players on the team needed to order and fit a manual, power assist, or power wheelchair. Niagara Therapy, LLC offers skilled evaluations from a therapy team that has received training from the International Seating Symposium. These advanced skills will provide the opportunity to have a mobility device that best fits your needs. Call to schedule one today!

IASTM-Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation
The occupational and physical therapists at Niagara Therapy, LLC have been trained on the use of tools to provide Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM). This treatment intervention loosens up tight and sore muscles while reducing and eliminating pain making daily living easy! This deep tissue “massage” technique uses specially designed stainless steel tools with precise edges to contour against your body. This allows deeper penetration of the tissue with less force produced by the therapist. This enables stimulation of the neurons, and muscle fibers, as well as increased blood flow to the area, treated. Studies have shown, with this type of treatment, a reduction in scar tissue and adhesions post-injury, decreased inflammation, decreased muscle soreness and perception of pain, improved muscle strength (due to improved muscle fiber alignment for more efficient function), and improved ROM and mobility.

Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)
AAT is the use of a specifically trained animal as a means of therapeutic intervention to expedite healing and recovery of acute and chronic conditions. Canines may be involved in goals that include increasing ROM and mobility, improving strength, enhancing endurance, facilitating balance, helping with reaction times and coordination, and aiding in sensory dysfunctions. Our Facility Dog, HOPE, has continued to undergo consistent training to assist our therapists in working toward individualized goals for our clients. She follows specific commands during the treatment session in order to aid our clients in working towards physical goals, as noted above, as well as providing further psychosocial benefits (improved self-esteem, motivation, stress reduction, and social development). HOPE really enjoys working with our clients! You have fun without realizing you are actually working hard towards your therapy goals. Call to learn more about HOPE, or to see if integrating her into your treatment plan is right for you!

Rifton TRAM
The Rifton TRAM is a mobility device that can deliver 3 different functions: assisted/supported walking, sit to stand transfers for increased weight-bearing, and seated transfers between different surfaces. This body support system eliminates the lifting strain of the therapist and is capable of lifting and transferring patients of various sizes and levels of ability. It affords the benefits of weight-bearing into lower extremities to those who are unable to support themselves. The supported gait feature allows clients to walk with less fear of falling so that they may focus more on the tasks needed to maintain or regain their ability to walk. It has been found beneficial for children and adults with a wide range of medical conditions including (but not limited to) Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injury, stroke, brain injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Guillain-Barre, or even general debility/ weakness after a prolonged period of immobility. Contact us to speak with a therapist to discuss if this may be an appropriate treatment option for you!

Fascial Strain-Counterstain
This is a “positional release technique”. Specially trained therapists use passive body positioning of spasmodic muscles and dysfunctional joints to compress and shorten affected tissue. These skilled therapists are able to assess the entire body for pain and dysfunction. Strain- Counterstain is an effective and gentle manual technique that enables the therapist to “release” restricted muscles and connective tissues in all areas and systems of the body. This therapy aims to restore normal joint mobility and release structures that have been compressed, thus limiting movement and potentially causing pain. Due to its gentle positional nature, it has been effective in treatment of acute trauma and chronic conditions alike. Call today to learn more or to see if this treatment is appropriate for you!

SAEBO Flex, Reach, Glove, and Stretch
As a SAEBO trained therapists, we can evaluate for the use of these tools to capitalize on movement in the arm and hand after a stroke or brain injury. These devices range in the skill and function that are required to use them. Having a certified therapist complete a thorough evaluation and discuss all of your options is critical for getting the right device and successful results. The SAEBO devices are designed to be used at home to maximize your gains from therapy and help carry over the benefits. They also work to continue gains if there are insurance restrictions that limit visits or there are transportation issues. If you want to find out more, call today!